1 Aug 2012

Roath Park clean-up report: tackling the pesky Himalayan Balsam

15 volunteers from Cardiff Rivers Group enjoyed a change of venue on Sunday as they ventured to Roath Park for the first time to help remove Himalayan Balsam from the wild gardens. As an invasive species, Balsam threatens native flora and needs to be removed.  See pics here

They spent 2 hours pulling up the pesky plant and also carried out a litter-pick.  A few volunteers then donned waders to remove dead wood that was acting as a blockage and preventing the stream from free-flowing into the lake.

Together they collected 15 bags of rubbish, 80kg of scrap metal, traffic cones, tyres and lots of plastic piping. The rubbish was disposed of by Cardiff County Council’s Parks Department.
Cardiff Rivers Group formed in 2009 as part of the ‘Tidy Towns’ project: a partnership between Keep Wales Tidy and Welsh local authorities. Funded by the Welsh Government it supports the people of Wales to improve the quality of their local environment.

The group undertakes fortnightly events throughout Cardiff and are looking for new areas to tackle in the next few months. They are particularly keen to tackle a real litter hotspot during ‘Tidy Wales Week’ in September, so if you are aware of any problem areas that could do with a clean-up, please contact Louise Tambini on  07824 504790 or e-mail louise.tambini@keepwalestidy.org

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